fain perry !

ala mhigan noble ♦ treasure hunter ♦ complete scoundrel

i don't do "backstory" !

Fain Perry is the sixth child of seven children born from Eric and Kari Perry.That's nice... Who bloody cares?In truth, Fain is much more than his bloodline suggests even if he has taken on the role of the "failed Perry son" and even the "family jester and joke" at certain junctures. His dissatisfaction with the demi-royal, rich-boy lifestyle spiraled out of control a few cycles ago—just before the war—when he escaped Baelsar's Wall using bribery and his silver tongue. Via Gridania and the Shroud, Fain made his way into Eorzea and began life "anew", never thinking that his "past" noble life would play a role in this new future he made for himself. By himself.Fuck 'em.
... That wouldn't come back to bite him, would it? Naaaah.
Though Fain became no stranger to drug-addled stupors, being black-out drunk, and maybe getting a little too friendly a little too quickly with more people than is considered healthy, he did find time during all those hedonist tendencies to do some actual work. Becoming a temple and ruin diver wasn't in his plan at all, but hey, it got people interested in him and his talents for finding treasure. Fain met a lot of people and made some friends along the way. Life was pretty smooth sailing.That was until a call for help by an old friend brought him on an airship to the Bozjan Southern Front. Ever since that point, everything shifted. If you ask him, he'd play it off and make everything sound copasetic!Spoilers: It's not.

pleasure's all mine ~

name ...................................... fain perry.**gender ** .................................. masculine.age ............................................ mid 20's.nationality ........................ ala mhigan.

feeling overwhelmed by me is totally natural ~

Love him or hate him, Fain is classically handsome. Tall, broad shouldered and muscular, his Highlander blood is obvious within his larger-than-average presence for a hyuran man. Bearing one of the Perry family traits of dusty blonde hair with black streaks and tips, when standing next to his relatives he slots right into place—on the surface, anyroad. His bright, pale yellow eyes stand out against deep tan skin. His voice is tenor, not too deep, and it raises in pitch when he's excited or offended. Normally, his cadence is fluid and easy which compliments his posh, noble accent. Considering Fain has been trying to "blend with the plebs" for the past few cycles, his colloquialisms and curse-laden phrases can sound strange when combined with said poshness. Fain's body language and face are expressive and animated. An easy way to tell when he's legitinately upset is that spark fades from his bright eyes.
Fain is surface-level friendly, personable, and a bit of a douche-bag. He is ignorant to a lot of the darker experiences in life which can press firmly up against his natural confidence. Fain is brave, daring, and emotional. Though he maintains a fiery internal light, it is also easily snuffed by certain people's words and actions toward him. At his best, he is a fierce, ride-or-die friend who will drop everything he's doing to kick some ass or verbally rip a bitch a new one. At his worst, he is petty, moody, mean, and quick to cut someone off in all respects if they cross a line too far. Fain is chatty and can talk himself into and out of situations. Charming to a fault, he isn't one to throw punches unless he sees it as the only option. His cocky bluffing and posturing might suggest otherwise, but Fain is not prone to violence.
Though the teachings of the Fists of Rhalgr were lost and forbidden, Fain, along with the rest of his siblings, were trained in pugilism from a young age. Later, firearms and magitek were added to his growing list of resources. Fain isn't afraid of a fight and possesses the strength to handle himself thus, but usually is reluctant to offer the killing blows to anyone or anything. Unless they're trying to kill him first...then he'll kill them right back! However, magicks and aether usage are not this hyur's forte. His aetheric well is quite shallow, enough that he can only use the aetheryte system once a day before feeling weak or faint. At this point, Fain isn't entirely sure where his limits lie, so he avoids using aether as much as possible and relies on his strength and technology.

hey ! leave them out of this !

Grandmother — Helene Perry

Father — Eric Perry
Mother — Kari Perry

Eldest Brother — Aelfred Perry
Eldest Sister — Eir Perry
Elder Brother — Colehouse Perry

Elder Brothers (Twins) — Einar & Elston Perry
Younger Sister — Jora Perry

Uncle — Alfr Perry
Former Best Friend (It's Complicated) — M'bhiq Tia

Husband Partner Boyfriend Whatever... — Elijah Post

how you want to do this ?!

FIRST HOOK — Ala Mhigan Nobility.
The Perry family is old money and has been part of the Ala Mhigan government via noble bloodlines for a few centuries at the least. Of late, this subject is rather contentious and the family is paying for past deals that saw to their own survival during a tumultuous time for their beloved kingdom. Whether you love them or hate them, the Perry family is still going strong...from the outside. Anyone from Ala Mhigo, the Garlean occupiers, or the Resistance Army could have easily heard of the Perry's and therefore Fain, by proxy.
SECOND HOOK — Daredevil, Temple Diver & Treasure Hunter.
Just before the war between Garlemald and the Eorzean City-States broke out, Fain escaped Baelsar's Wall with bribery and made his way out into the wider world. Through copious amounts of unearned confidence, a lot of time on his hands, and nearly-infinite funds, the lordling made himself a rather strong reputation. With his No-Fear approach (and maybe a bit of fantasy cocaine...) Fain was able to dive deep into temples, ruins, and other assorted and untouched treasures from ages past. Adventurers, relic seekers, or historians could have heard of this guy—for good or ill.
THIRD HOOK — Machine Head.
Something that a lot of people—including his own family—don't know about Fain is that he is incredibly mechanically minded. Being exposed to Garlean machinery and machina from a young age, this hyur knows his way around technology. Though he uses this knowledge for things like guns and munitions, his true passion is working on vehicles. His prized possession is a relatively new one: a motorcycle he is restoring that he used to escape the Bozjan battlegrounds. If your character has something with wheels, gears, or levers that is in need of repair, Fain could be your guy.
FOURTH HOOK — Friends in Low Places.
Being rich and personable means that Fain has a lot of people that call him a friend. The bonds with these "friends" are often surface-level and depending on what they can do for each other, but sometimes even shallow connections can be useful. You need an airship escape? Got it. Does Fain know a gal on every continent that could get you into a VIP section of a club or opium den? You bet he does. What is it going to cost you? Best worry about that later~

screenshots !

artwork !

rules of engagement !

**PLAYER — ** Aiden, 30's, they/themREQUIRED — I have a life outside of FFXIV and outside of roleplay. I can not and will not roleplay with you (or anyone) constantly. I value open communication, honesty, and kindness. Do not attempt to guilt-trip, manipulate, or any other drama-mongering tactics. I am not my character; my character is not me. I do not tolerate racism/sexism/ableism in any form. I will not roleplay with any player under 18 years of age. I will not RP with any character ICly under 18 years of age. I prefer the type of roleplay partner that is willing to chat about things OOCly and be casual friends outside of our stories together.ROLE-PLAY STYLE — I tend to mirror partners by default, but if I am the one setting the precedent I usually lean toward multi-paragraph in Discord RP, maybe 3-5 on average. In game RP posts are usually shorter, few line or small paragraph. I find enjoyment in including some character thoughts in my posts, but I do keep them limited. I am open to combat, injuries, and other changes to my character, but please make sure to ask before anything too drastic. And, obviously, do not kill or permanently maim my character without my permission. I also write my posts from the "attempt" perspective. If my writing partner wishes to deviate from something that I set up in my post, I am perfectly fine with that. Again, OOC communication is key and I value it highly.DISCLAIMER — Fain is in a stable, monogamous relationship that has been ongoing for a long time. Though he is a hopeless flirt and winks at anything with legs, he is not available for romance/ERP.